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Earth Week 🌍

What is Earth Week?
On April 22nd of every year, the entire world is invited to celebrate Earth Day. It’s the largest environmental movement in the world and aims to diversify, educate and activate the movement worldwide. 🌎
In order to make the most of the event, many countries practice Earth Week to extend the time focused on this important cause. This year we will be celebrating from April 20th- April 24th. 
It is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day this year, and the focus is on SAVE-ing the world!
Speak up – take action, share what you’re fighting for, use your voice this year to demand climate action by using #EarthDay2020 and #EARTHRISE on social media
Act – Join the campaign by heading to on April 22nd where they will be demonstrating a new way to demand action and drive change every hour on the hour.
Vote – If your country is hosting a major election in 2020, let them know what matters to you most by voting for those who will defend the planet. If there are no elections in 2020, call your local representatives, tweet your policymakers or volunteer for a candidate.
Educate – Search @earthdaynetwork on April 22nd to take part in one of their many live ‘Teach-Ins’. Musicians, artists, scientists, and leaders will be sharing their experiences and expertise during the 24 hours of Earth Day.
Other Ways to Help During Earth Week
Have a Spare Dollar?
If you would like to help support Earth Day by making a donation you can do so by heading to the link HERE.
Have Spare Time?
Why not donate your time learning about, or volunteering for, an environmental project?
  • Join a local park, river or beach clean-up
  • Calculate your Carbon Footprint in your home and/or office and see what achievable changes you can make!
10 Achievable and Sustainable Changes You Can Make in Your Home Now
  1. Change to environmentally friendly, non-toxic cleaning products.
  2. Donate your old clothes and home goods instead of throwing them out. When you need something, consider buying used items.
  3. Compost kitchen scraps to use in your garden – turning waste into fertilizer!
  4. Take a shorter shower and use a water-saving showerhead.
  5. Run your dishwasher only when it’s full to save water and energy.
  6. Turn off lights when you leave a room.
  7. Move your heater thermostat down 2 degrees in winter and up two degrees in summer to reduce your carbon footprint by 2,000 pounds!
  8. Use energy-efficient appliances and electronics.
  9. Recycle batteries from small appliances and electronics or, use rechargeable batteries instead!
  10. Pull out invasive plants in your yard or garden and replace them with native ones.
10 Changes You Can Make in Your School or Office
  1. Form a “Green Team” in your office to find cost-effective ways to conserve resources and promote sustainability.
  2. Carpool, ride your bike or use public transport if you can.
  3. Printed documents contribute to 90% of all office waste – try to go paperless where possible.
  4. Make sure your office is recycling correctly based on your location. Set up labeled recycle bins if needed.
  5. Set your office printer to print two-sided
  1. Convince your school district to choose reusable utensils, trays, and dishes in the cafeteria/ tuck shop.
  2. Pack lunches in a reusable bag.
  3. Organise to have healthy, locally sourced food served in your school district.
  4. Stop using disposable, single-use plastics for packed lunches. Such as bottles, bags, and straws.
  5. Make a veggie garden with the kids to teach them how to make and grow their own organic vegetables!


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